South Africa's National Health Strategic Plan (2015-2020)

Our world is also waking up to the reality now that for us to win the fight towards an AIDS free generation, we must fiercely combat TB. What is making the need to double our efforts even more pressing is the growing threat of strains of the disease that do not respond to most antibiotics (multi-drug resistant TB or MDR-TB). The overlap of TB and HIV is a deadly combination with tragic consequences. TB is the leading killer of people with HIV, accounting for one in four HIV-related deaths. Globally, one-third of people living with HIV are also infected with TB, and if left unchecked and untreated, TB can kill a person with HIV/AIDS in a matter of weeks.

South Africa National Consolidated Guidelines on HIV

The new consolidated guidelines provide standardized, simplified and less toxic drug combinations harmonized for the management of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT), children, adolescents and adults with HIV/AIDS, TB and other common opportunistic infections. It will provide guidance for clinicians, managers and trainers on the use of available regimens within the context of continuum of HIV comprehensive care for prevention, treatment and support for all age groups in private and public sector to realize our vision of a long and healthy life for all citizens. This approach will also ensure that people living with HIV are started on the right regimen at the right time.