Welcome to the Resource Library. This learning centre is intended to be a gathering place where users share the latest knowledge and evidence to catalyze innovation, sustain the HIV response and end AIDS for every child.

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Document Download Description Year
On the Fast-Track to an AIDS-Free Generation On the fast-track to an AIDS-free generation (2016)

This report presents the final results of the Global Plan towards the elimination of new HIV infections among children by 2015 and keeping their mothers alive. It summarizes country progress from 2009 to 2015.

HIV Vision -cover UNICEF HIV Vision in SDGs (2016)

Presentation on aligning UNICEF's HIV vision to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and UNAIDS Strategy.

Malawi Case Study on Joint Community-Facility Review of PMTCT Dashboards Malawi Case Study PMTCT (2016)

"Together We Can Improve"

A case study on joint community-facility review of PMTCT dashboards in Malawi

Cash plus Care Model: Findings Cover Cash plus Care Model: Findings (2016)

Building HIV-Sensitive Social Protection Systems through the ‘Cash plus Care’ Model: Findings from East and Southern Africa

Gaps in HIV Response for Children and Adolescents Cover Gaps in HIV Response for Children and Adolescents (2016)

Presentation on the Unfinished Agenda: HIV/AIDS among Children and Adolescents from the High-Level Meeting Civil Society Hearing.

 Path to Elimination Webinar Summary The Path to Elimination (WHO Elimination & Pre-Elimination Criteria) Webinar Summary 2016
Report cover On the fast-track to Ending the AIDS epidemic: Report of the Secretary-General (2016)

The global commitment to ending the AIDS epidemic, as set forth in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, represents an unparalleled opportunity to end one of the most devastating modern-day health challenges and als

Namibia ART Guidelines Namibia National ART Guidelines (2016)

Namibia's National Guidelines for Antiretroviral Therapy (5th Edition) incorporates the latest WHO guidelines for treating and supporting people living with HIV.

Fast-Track Commitments to End AIDS by 2030 Fast-Track Commitments to End AIDS by 2030 (2016) 2016
Guidelines on the use of Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV Prevention and Treatment Lesotho ART Guidelines 2016

The fifth edition of these guidelines represents a determined commitment of the government to achieve and contribute to the ambitious global target of reaching 90-90-90 by 2020, which aims to diagnose 90% of people living

Uganda Ministry of Health PMTCT Tools cover Uganda MOH Exposed Infant Clinical Chart , Uganda MOH Dried Blood Spot Dispatch Form , Uganda MOH Exposed Infant Register , Uganda MOH HIV Care Patient Appointment Book , Uganda MOH Daily Activity Register for Serological Tests and Viral Load 2016
EMTCT in the Americas cover EMTCT in the Americas Update - 2016

Elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis in the Americas

 Effective HIV Prevention & a Gateway to Improved Adolescents Boys' and Men's HealthConsolidated Guidelines on HIV Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care for Key Populations Consolidated HIV Guidelines for Key Populations (2016)

In this new consolidated guidelines document on HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for key populations, the World Health Organization brings together all existing guidance relevant to five key populations – men

Building Evidence to Guide PrEP Introduction for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (2016) Building Evidence for PrEP Introduction to AGYW (2016)

This Population Council document primarily aims to provide DREAMS country teams with practical guidance on building evidence on PrEP for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW).

Report cover Mozambique Tratamento Antiretroviral e Infecções Oportunistas do Adulto, Adolescente, Grávida e Criança (2016)

Em Moçambique, a pandemia do HIV/SIDA é assumida como um dos desafios de âmbito multissectorial.

Protection and Resilience: Checklist cover Checklist for Why, Where and How to Coordinate HIV and Child Protection Policy and Programming (2016)

This checklist for "Why, Where and How to Coordinate HIV and Child Protection Policy and Programming" was developed in response to the call from practitioners in sub-Saharan Africa for some practical guidance on how to lin

Report cover High Level Meeting on Ending AIDS (2016)

The 2016 High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS will focus the world’s attention on the importance of a Fast-Track approach to the AIDS response over the next five years.

Uganda Ministry of Health PMTCT Tools (Part 3) Uganda MOH Pre-ART Register , Uganda MOH Integrated Maternity Register , Uganda MOH HIV Quarterly Monitoring Reporting Form , Uganda MOH HIV Counselling , Uganda MOH ART Register 2016
Combination Social Protection Lowers Unprotected Sex in HIV+ Adolescents Social Protection Policy Brief 6 (2016)

This is the last policy brief in a series of 6 policy briefs that address social protection & adolescents. This brief discusses ways in which combination social protection lowers unprotected sex among adolescents.

Social Protection and the Sustainable Development Goals (2016) Social Protection Policy Brief 5 (2016)

This is the 5th policy brief in a series of 6 policy briefs that address social protection & adolescents. This brief outlines ways in which social protection is related to the sustainable development goals (SDGs).