Technical Brief on Paediatric HIV Case-Finding: Beyond Infant Testing

Despite global progress in HIV treatment for children, the gap between adult and paediatric treatment coverage continues to widen. This gap is driven primarily by barriers to HIV diagnosis in children, but in the past decade those barriers have shifted.

Scaling-up HIV case-finding efforts for children presents several challenges, including limited access to testing services, lack of provider preparedness to offer testing to children, stigma and discrimination, policy barriers related to age of consent, and inadequate health systems. The aim of this technical brief is to offer countries a guide to address these challenges and enhance HIV case-finding for children to improve testing coverage for children at risk for HIV. This technical brief focuses primarily on how programmes can identify those children who may have missed out on EID testing, who were never tested after breastfeeding or whose mothers were not enrolled in care.

Kenya Guidelines on use of Antiretroviral Drugs for Treating and Preventing HIV Infection

The Guidelines on use of Antiretroviral Drugs for Treating and Preventing HIV Infection in Kenya 2016 edition contain relevant information required by health care providers in the use of ARVs as of the date of issue. All reasonable precautions have been taken by NASCOP to verify the information contained in this guideline document. This guideline document is a publication of the National AIDS & STI Control Program, Ministry of Health Kenya.

Kenya National Plan for HIV Care and Treatment

The National Plan for Accelerating HIV Care and Treatment in Kenya 2015-2017 defines the key strategies and actions that need to be undertaken by the national and county governments to contribute to meeting the 90-90-90 targets articulated in the Kenya AIDS Strategic framework by 2019. All reasonable precautions have been taken by NASCOP to verify the information contained in this plan.