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Document Download Description Year
sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV Cover Guideline on sexual and reproductive health of women living with HIV.pdf

The starting point for this guideline is the point at which a woman has learnt that she is living with HIV, and it therefore covers key issues for providing comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights-related s

Adolescent Participation - Mozambique All In ESA - Blog Mozambique 2017.pdf

This article is part of the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) ALL IN Blog Series on catalyzing adolescent participation around HIV in Mozambique. 

Clinic-Community Collaboration Toolkit: Working together to improve PMTCT and paediatric HIV treatment, care and support. Clinic-Community Collaboration Toolkit

PATA and PACF have worked across 9 countries and strengthened 36 community-clinic collaborations through their partnership on the three-year C3 programme on collaboration between Clinics and Community-Based Organisations (

The Western and Central Africa catch-up plan: putting HIV treatment on the fast-track by 2018 WCA Catch Up Plan 2017
Point of Care - HIV Diagnosis: Bringing Faster Results for Each and More Effective Treatment POC Bringing Faster Results.pdf

Accelerating Access and Integration of Innovative Point of Care Diagnostics for HIV in National Diagnostics Programmes

Validation Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV and Syphilis cover Validation Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV and Syphilis - Governance

This governance guidance provides clarity, consistency and detail related to the structure, function, composition and operational duties of validation committees at national, regional and global levels as an extension to w

BRIEF: UNICEF's Global HIV Response BRIEF: UNICEF's Global HIV Response

UNICEF’s Global HIV Response 2017–2021 Addressing the global HIV epidemic among pregnant women, mothers, children and adolescents

Intervention mondiale 2017-2021 de l'UNICEF contre le VIH Intervention mondiale 2017-2021 de l'UNICEF contre le VIH

Intervention mondiale 2017-2021 de l’UNICEF contre le VIH Faire face à l’épidémie de VIH chez les enfants et les adolescents, les femmes enceintes et les mères

Fiche d'information: 2017 Les enfants et le sida Fiche d'information: 2017 Les enfants et le sida

Avec l’augmentation du nombre de personnes ayant accès à des médicaments salvateurs, le sentiment que la fin du sida était proche s’est généralisé.

Fact Sheet: 2017 Children and AIDS Fact Sheet: 2017 Children and AIDS

As the number of people accessing life-saving drugs for HIV has risen, there has been an increasing sense that the end of AIDS was near. But for children and adolescents, the situation remains grave.

ICASA Flyer cover UNICEF ICASA Flyer .pdf

Towards an end to AIDS in children, adolescents and young women.

Elimination Mother-to-Child Transmission off HIV and Syphilis cover Elimination Mother-to-Child Transmission off HIV and Syphilis Guidance

This guidance document provides standardized processes and consensus-developed criteria to validate EMTCT of HIV and syphilis, and to recognize high-HIV burden countries that have made significant progress on the path to e

Report cover Count Me In

A documentation of case studies from Indonesia, Pakistan and Vietnam on Young Key Population involvement in the Global Fund processes

UNICEF’s Vision for the Global HIV Response cover UNICEF Vision to address the global HIV epidemic (2017)

UNICEF has long been at the heart of global efforts to put the HIV epidemic into an irreversible and rapid retreat.

Global Accelerated Action for the Health of Adolescents (AA-HA!) Global accelerated action for the health of adolescents (AA-HA!).pdf

WHO launched in May the long-awaited Global Accelerated Action for the Health of Adolescents (AA-HA!): Guidance to Support Country Implementation. 

Good Practice Guide – Adolescent HIV Programming Adolescent HIV Programming.pdf

The International HIV/AIDS Alliance published in May 2017 a good practice guide on Adolescent HIV programming.

The importance of sexual and reproductive health and rights to prevent HIV in AGYW in ESA The importance of sexual and reproductive health and rights to prevent HIV in AGYW in ESA

This WHO’s Evidence Brief highlights some of the key points of discussion during the ESA regional consultation on HIV prevention and sexual and reproductive health and rights for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) hel

cover of HIV Viral Load and Early HIV Viral Load and Early Infant Diagnosis Selection and Procurement Information Tool 2017
When Women Lead, Change Happens: Women advancing the end of AIDS (2017) When Women Lead, Change Happens (2017)

More women are accessing antiretroviral therapy than men, transferring the benefits of their good health to their families and economies.

Image of Best Practices for Adolescent- and Youth-Friendly HIV Services in PEPFAR-Supported Countries Best Practices for Adolescent- and Youth-Friendly HIV Services in PEPFAR-Supported Countries (2017)

A Compendium of Selected Projects in PEPFAR-Supported Countries