Welcome to the Resource Library. This learning centre is intended to be a gathering place where users share the latest knowledge and evidence to catalyze innovation, sustain the HIV response and end AIDS for every child.

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Cover of the document Ending HIV for Every Child, Every Adolescent: An investment opportunity for the public and private sectors , [Short Version] Ending HIV for Every Child, Every Adolescent: An investment opportunity for private and public donors , Spotlight on the Global HIV and AIDS Thematic Fund , Within Reach: join the final push to end HIV among adolescent girls in Eastern and Southern Africa , Investing in the Thematic Fund

This document highlights opportunities for both public and private sectors to engage in the global HIV response for infants, children, and adolescents in partnership with UNICEF.

Cover of publication Roger et al 2024 Systematic review cash plus or bundled inventions targeting adolescents in Africa to reduce HIV risk
Margret and her son Ronald, age 9, on their way to an HIV clinic for a health screening in Mubende, Uganda. Spotlight on the UNICEF HIV/AIDS Fund: Results achieved in 2022 to achieve an AIDS-free future for children and adolescents

UNICEF’s HIV/AIDS Thematic Fund is a global flexible funding pool. It enables us to strengthen systems to ensure an AIDS-free future for children and adolescents.

LGBTQI+ Youth in Brazil Speak Up cover LGBTQI+ Youth in Brazil Speak Up

On this International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) 2023, we unveil the UNICEF Spotlight Report on the Youth Aware initiative in Brazil.

Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on people living with HIV, including pregnant women and children

The purpose of this study is to provide an assessment and analysis of the situation of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH) in the Republic of Moldova in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, including COVID-19 awareness and

Making universal social protection a reality cover Making universal social protection a reality for people living with HIV or Tuberculosis

Ensuring that populations who are living with, at risk of or affected by HIV and/or TB can effectively access prevention, diagnosis and treatment services is crucial.

Cash Plus Project Brief Tanzania Cash Plus Project Brief - English , Tanzania Cash Plus Baseline Report , Tanzania Cash Plus Midline Report , Tanzania Cash Plus Midline Research Brief , Tanzania Cash Plus 3rd Round Report , Tanzania Cash Plus 3rd Round Research Brief

For adolescent boys and girls, transitioning to adulthood means facing significant social, health and economic risks.

cash plus cover Cash Plus Project Brief 2021
Non-contributory Social Protection cover Working paper: Non-contributory social protection and adolescents in Lower- and middle-income countries

This working paper from UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti makes the case for investing in social protection efforts for adolescents.

HIV Sensitive Social Protection Fast Track Countries cover HIV Sensitive Social Protection in East and Southern Africa Fast Track Countries

This report presents the results of a mapping of HIV-sensitive social protection programmes in 15 'fast track' countries in eastern and southern Africa.

Case transfer cover Research brief: Cash transfers - Past, present and future. Evidence and lessons learned from the Transfer Project

Building on previous summaries, this brief summarizes the current evidence and lessons learned from the Transfer Project after more than a decade of research on cash transfers in sub-Saharan Africa.

Adolescent boy and girl looking at phone screen HIV Treatment, Care, and Support for Adolescents Living with HIV in Eastern and Southern Africa

Adolescents in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) are key to achieving the global goal of ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030.

Cash plus report cover Cash Plus Project Brief

A Model for Safe Transitions to a Healthy and Productive Adulthood

 Ujana Salama cover Ujana-Salama-Cash-Plus-Model-on-Youth-Well-Being-and-Safe-Healthy-Transitions-Midline-Findings.pdf

Tanzania’s pilot Cash Plus Model on Youth Well-being and Safe, Healthy Transitions, or “Ujana Salama” (‘Safe Youth’ in Swahili), aims to improve the lives of young people in rural areas.These adolescents are extremely poor

round 3 report cover Cash Plus: Round 3 Report

Provides findings from the impact evaluation of Ujana Salama.

Ujana Salama cover Ujana Salama - Round 3 Research

Ujana Salama leverages impacts of the PSSN with complementary interventions, including training and linkages to services.The aim of these interventions is to facilitate safe, healthy and productive transitions to adulthood

cash plus midline report cover Cash Plus Project Brief

A model for safe transition to a healthy and productive adulthood.

Adolescent mother with child UNICEF-ESA-Young-Mothers-HIV-Report-2020.pdf

Adolescent and young mothers are a priority population for UNICEF in Eastern and Southern Africa, including those who are affected by HIV.

Adolescent girl jumping AGYW catalogue of available documents (spreadsheet) , AGYW repository navigation (slides)

The AGYW Programming & Implementation Repository contains resources relevant to AGYW programming that have been collated to support enhanced implementation and programming of Global Fund Catalytic Funding for HIV preve

Case transfer cover Research brief: ‘Cash Plus’ - Linking cash transfers to services and sectors

This research brief defines 'cash plus' interventions, the menu of 'plus' components, and summarizes the evidence on their broad-ranging impacts.