Welcome to the Resource Library. This learning centre is intended to be a gathering place where users share the latest knowledge and evidence to catalyze innovation, sustain the HIV response and end AIDS for every child.

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Document Download Description Year
Integrated Management Guidelines Manual on Pediatric HIV Care and Treatment (2014)

The IMCI chart booklet is for use by doctors, nurses and other health professionals who see young infants and children less than five years old.

Image of Option B+ Implementation: Malawi Experience Implementation of Option B+ for PMTCT in Malawi 2014
HIV and Social Protection Guidance Note HIV and Social Protection (2014) 2014
New Frontiers in Early Childhood Development Cover Building Better Brains (2014)

This document discusses the following: general messages about early childhood development, programming messages, nutrition, protection,  early & lifelong learning,  health, parenting, advocacy messages, and key facts a

EMTCT of HIV and Syphilis Global Guidance on Criteria & Processes EMTCT Validation (2014) 2014
Operational Guidance for Comprehensive Sexuality Education (2014) Operational Guidance for Comprehensive Sexuality Education (2014)

The right of access to comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is grounded in fundamental human rights and is a means to empower young people to protect their health, well-being and dignity.

MTCT & Paediatric HIV/TB  cover Increasing Treatment Coverage through Community Health Workers (2014)

PMTCT & Paediatric HIV/TB Lessons & Results from Using New WHO-UNICEF HIV-Adapted Community Materials


Protection, Care, and Support for an AIDS-Free Generation Protection, Care & Support for an AIDS-Free Generation: A Call to Action for All Children (2014) 2014
Kenya AIDS Strategic Framework 2014/15-2018/19 Kenya AIDS Strategic Framework 2015-2019

Kenya AIDS Strategic Framework 2014/15-2018/19

Congo Cadre Strategique National de Lutte Contre le VIH/le Sida et les IST (2014-2015 Congo National Strategic Framework for HIV/AIDS (2014-2015) - Fr 2014
The Gambia National Policy Guidelines on HIV and AIDS (2014-2020) The Gambia National Policy Guidelines on HIV and AIDS (2014-2020) 2014
Burundi - Plan Strategique National de Lutte Contre le Sida (2014-2017) Burundi NSP for HIV/AIDS (2014-2017) - Fr 2014
Republique du Cameroun plan strategique national de lutte contre le VIH, le SIDA et les ist 2014-2017 National Strategic Plan for the fight against HIV (2014-2017; French)

Republique du Cameroun plan strategique national de lutte contre le VIH, le SIDA et les ist 2014-2017

Mali Plan Decennal de Developpement Sanitaire et Social (2014-2023) Mali National Plan for Health and Social Development (2014-2023) - Fr 2014
Image of Sixth Stocktaking Report C&A Sixth Stocktaking Report English , C&A Sixth Stocktaking Report French

An AIDS-free generation means a generation in which all children are born free of HIV and remain so for the first two decades of life, from birth through adolescence.

Rwanda HIV and AIDS National Strategic Plan (2013-2018) Rwanda NSP for HIV/AIDS (2013-2018) 2013
MAC AIDS Fund Project Brief Cover MAC AIDS Fund Project Brief (2013)

MAC AIDS Project Brief on Innovations to Accelerate Access to Treatment and Care for Children and Adolescents Affected by HIV. The MAC AIDS Fund is designed to address unmet needs for HIV testing, treatment and care among

Image of Zimbabwe National ART Guidelines (2013) Zimbabwe National ART Guidelines (2013) 2013
Guinee Cadre Strategique National de Lutte les IST/VIH/Sida (2013-2017) Guinea National Strategic Framework for HIV/AIDS (2013-2017) - Fr 2013
Madagascar: Plan Strategique National De Reponse Aux Infections Sexuellement Transmissibles Et Au Sida (2013-2017) Madagascar NSP for STIs and AIDS (2013-2017) - Fr 2013