Welcome to the Resource Library. This learning centre is intended to be a gathering place where users share the latest knowledge and evidence to catalyze innovation, sustain the HIV response and end AIDS for every child.

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Document Download Description Year
Strengthening Paediatric TB and HIV cover Lessons from the field - TB HIV iCCM

Community and primary health facility platforms have been recognized as important, but under-utilized entry points to address the large prevention, case detection and treatment gaps faced by young children with TB and/or H

Fiche d’information à l’intention des agents de plaidoyer cover Fiche d’information à l’intention des agents de plaidoyer

Cette fiche d’information a été conçue pour vous fournir les informations nécessaires pour promouvoir le diagnostic précoce des nourrissons (EID) au sein de votre communauté et pour encourager les personnes à faire faire l

Questions fréquemment posées aux parents et aux soignants cover

En tant que parents et soignants nous voulons prendre soin de nos enfants du mieux que nous pouvons - cela inclut le fait de les protéger contre le VIH. Voici ce que vous devez savoir.

Adolescent mother walking on road Prevention HIV and STIs among women and girls using contraceptive services

This programmatic brief explores how to expand HIV and STI prevention and contraceptive method options in contraceptive services and, thus, to reduce HIV and STI incidence among adolescent girls and women.

cover of evidence-informed approach Out of School Comprehensive Sexuality Education

International technical and programmatic guidance on out of school comprehensive sexuality education evidence-informed approach for non-formal, out-of-school programmes.

Cadre Stratégique cover Cadre Stratégique

Ce cadre porte sur le diagnostic précoce du nourrisson (EID). Qu’est-ce que cela signifie ?

Job_Aid_Fact_Sheet_No_Time_To_Wait cover Job Aid Fact Sheet - No Time to Wait!

Do you work with people living with HIV? Maybe you run a support group for women living with HIV or antenatal classes? Do you hold community meetings or visit families affected by HIV in their homes?

Caregivers Posters - cover Caregivers Posters - No Time to Wait!

Three printable posters focusing on different aspects of the No Time to Wait! campaign.

HIV Programming for Adolescent Girls and Young Women cover HIV Programming for Adolescent Girls and Young Women in High-HIV Burden Settings

This Technical Brief provides updated guidance to Global Fund applicants and implementers to leverage Global Fund financing that will further advance progress in scaling up effective programming for AGYW, in line with glob

Advocates FAQ - No Time to Wait! Cover Advocates Brief for No Time to Wait!

Urgent action needed on point-of-care early infant diagnosis

last mile cover Going the 'last mile' to EMTCT , What will it take to achieve the EMTCT goals for children in Africa? , A road map for ending the HIV epidemic in children , Feuille de route pour l’éradication de l’épidémie de VIH chez les enfants

The 'Last Mile' road map draws on the latest scientific research and programmatic evidence to describe and recommend strategies to achieve the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (EMTCT).

Case study screenshot: Integration of HIV into humanitarian response Integration of HIV into Cyclone Idai response in Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe

This multi-country case study from the UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office highlights important HIV-specific interventions that were integrated into the emergency cyclone response in Malawi, Mozambique and Z

improving service delivery Framework: Improving HIV Service Delivery for Infants, Children and Adolescents (WEB) , Framework: Improving HIV Service Delivery for Infants, Children and Adolescents (PRINT) , Worksheet: Assessing the situation

The paediatric service delivery framework presents strategies to address bottlenecks across the continuum of care for each population: infants, children and adolescents.

Improving HIV Service Delivery for Infants Children and Adolescents cover Brief: Improving HIV Service Delivery for Infants Children and Adolescents

In June 2019, UNICEF convened a group of about 40 global experts from 24 organizations and institutions to advance the collective thinking on paediatric HIV service delivery.

Q3-Research Summary Q3 2019 Newsletter - Research Summary

Download a selection of abstracts related to children, HIV and AIDS published in peer-reviewed journals between July and October 2019.

Case transfer cover Research brief: ‘Cash Plus’ - Linking cash transfers to services and sectors

This research brief defines 'cash plus' interventions, the menu of 'plus' components, and summarizes the evidence on their broad-ranging impacts.

ICASA 2019 roadmap ICASA 2019 Roadmap: 'Three Frees' sessions


Adolescent-friendly health services for adolescents living with HIV: from theory to practice Adolescent-friendly health services for adolescents living with HIV: from theory to practice

This publication primarily seeks to define and clarify the key elements of adolescent-friendly health services to help ensure that adolescents living with HIV receive appropriate and effective treatment, summarize existing

global snapshot cover Global snapshot , Sub-Saharan Africa snapshot , Eastern and Southern Africa snapshot , West and Central Africa snapshot

Global and regional epidemiological and response snapshots based on the UNAIDS 2019 HIV estimates.

Envision for Girls Data Hub cover

Envision for Girls Data Hub